
God I’m so sick of this stupid take. It’s a hotel tax of 0.88%. For the Strip, that’s an average of $1.50 per room night. Do you know who books hotels in Las Vegas? Not the citizens of Nevada. You’re dumb. 

This is probably an uninformed comment but I’m really curious to know what else could be causing CTE. If it’s caused only by head trauma then it doesn’t affect people evenly.

God she is so fucking hot... naturally pretty and complimented by her hair, makeup, outfit and cute-as-fuck squeaky voice. I was a little disappointed when the camera zoomed out at the end, her tits are very small. I know she’s a gymnast, but once she retires she may want to get some augmentation done just to bump up

They were aligned correctly. Just a great call by Alabama in that situation. Everyone in the world was thinking they’d just try to get some yardage back - not go end zone. Virtually all of their receivers went deeeeeeep, flooding the safeties. Watch the play again and count how many guys are open at the time the ball

He was not supposed to jam at the line on this play... he was 5+ yards off the ball. On 2nd and super long out of FG range, everyone is thinking they’re going to try to get 3rd and manageable so that they can get back in FG range on 4th down. Nobody is thinking end zone.

The revenue source for college athletics is ultimately alumni, boosters, students and the surrounding communities. To them the name on the front of the jersey is probably more important than the name on the back. As long as the billion dollar sports are disguised as a part of the higher education system, the problem

Boeheim’s point is that the average non-NBA prospect’s endorsement deals are going to be valued in the hundreds or low thousands of dollars - NOT thousands or millions of dollars - and at what cost to the player? Are you going to make Johnny Point Guard go to Bob’s Auto World to hang out 5x a week during the season

Well many of them do make more from shoe deals, radio shows, camps, local and national endorsements, etc.

Athletes (or of us) have the right to not stand for the anthem. But fans have the right to boo and not show up and owners have the right to fire/cut/discipline or not do anything to the players who do so. We all have rights. See how that works?

Pretty dumb statement. Casinos fail ALL THE TIME.

I can’t speak to the football, steaks and alcohol part of the claim, but casinos are a tough business. It’s basically a 0 growth industry, with more and more competitors joining in new and existing markets.

oHMYGOD!! What will we do without DIII women’s curling?

I don’t see where Drake has much street cred either. Don’t just go after the whites. He’s a Jew from Canada, who was a millionaire as a teen.

The song is a tribute to the way AI played basketball and his style. Given that Iverson’s prime was basically 15+ years ago, most people Post Malone’s age aren’t familiar with Iverson. You don’t need to have a criminal record to rap, douchebag.

Good on the blue for not doing anything. It looks like he did tell him something prior to crossing the plate. Usually HS referees are anxious to call anything, especially “unsportsmanlike”

Funny how the people who have a problem with Flynn’s consulting firm taking $500k from a pro-gov’t Turkish client, are not at all interested in Hillary taking hundreds of millions from governments and businesses all over the world in the form of “donations” and “speaking fees” for her and her husband.

A baby bird that peeps gets fed. Just like a blogger writing about Trump gets clicks?

I don’t see much for concern here.

Changing the name from Bullets to Wizards remains the worst rebranding in history.

Anyone who speaks English can do what Mike Tirico or the announcer from SportsCenter does... but the sound quality will be different.