
I more shocked that people are still listening to Fall Out Boy, or that they still exist at all.

Still not as awful as the "family note" that goes in every card letting us know how many times little Jimmy spit up at Thanksgiving dinner.

I’m pretty miffed about Rona fucking Ambrose and her lame attack. All they did was allocate some of their housekeeping funds to nannies instead of whatever Harper was doing with that share (polishing his Lego head?). It’s a non-story borne of desperation. And the NDP attacks and says he’s not spending enough? Buddy

Um hello, he was on The Hills.

not to get too deep into this BUT i took it as derek & hansel are out of touch with the current fashion industry so they’ve never confronted the new androgynous trends?

Give yourself permission to cry, or be angry, or just shut down for a minute. Breakups are hard and you deserve to feel what you feel. Not wallowing, precisely, but not trying to bury it and walk away immediately. I’m personally of the opinion that sometimes self-care is letting yourself feel so that you can move past