
No kidding. I know the buzz they make of “millennials taking tech for granted”, but as someone who remembers playing with my dad’s floppy drives as a kid and complaining about not being able to fit more on a CD-R, being able to fit 200GB in that tiny little thing absolutely blows my mind.

No kidding. I know the buzz they make of “millennials taking tech for granted”, but as someone who remembers playing

A 200 GB micro SD for $60. The logical part of me knows that storage prices are always dropping, but still, holy shit.

A 200 GB micro SD for $60. The logical part of me knows that storage prices are always dropping, but still, holy

Folks should listen to the recent interview with Howard Dean, (who has known Sanders for 40 years.) It’s enlightening. Sounds like Bernie is highly principled but absolutely hates to loose - tough situation.

You guys get that Hillary stayed in into June and said she was doing it because Obama might get assassinated, right?

Correct. You either need to be a leftwing nut job or a right wing troll in order to post here. Go somewhere else with your reasonable and moderate views.

Does he have progressive support now? His followers keep threatening to support trump or at least not help the democrats win if they don’t get their way.

But the problem with Bernie and his often fanatical supporters is that his “progressive agenda” is focused almost exclusively on middle class white people, which he has openly stated for years. After watching the current Democratic president easily win two elections by broadening the Democratic base and acknowledging

There are two things about Sanders’ rhetoric lately that are really frustrating me and both center around the fact that he has openly talked about not being a Democrat and only running as a Democrat because it allows him to reach a broader base than running as an independent:

I was wondering when the progressive Tea Party would show up. This may be the nascent stages, where they begin organizing primary challenges to politicians who are viewed as insufficiently progressive. We’ll get our own Sharon Angle, Todd Akin, Richard Mourdocks up there and fuck up winnable seats in Congress.

Nobody seems to understand that local elections are at stake in this election. If these BernieBros were there to impact the democratic process, not raise sh-, we’d hear a different tone. So they’ll whine about sh- and not bother to get themselves and their community to vote.

This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.

I'm not remotely embarrassed. I've lived in Canada, Australia, the UK and the US. The US is easily the least efficient of the four in many, many areas. It is also the least free politically, certainly in the last twenty years. The US started out with a slew of brilliant ideas bequeathed to it by its founding fathers,

I love the fact that the US's rigid free-market-to-the-max ideology frequently leaves it with some of the worst service quality in the western world. Europeans laugh their asses off at the pathetic quality of comms service in the US. (Not as much as they laugh at American healthcare inefficiency, of course.)