
Invite Trump to host a rally and than cap it off once he is inside.

Paying back Hulk Hogan.

Any other sudden changes we might not be aware of?

the Google Car could render this monstrosity obsolete before it ever opens. the shape of Seattle is the reason this tunnel is being built. Seattle is an hourglass shape north and south, with traffic pinch-points right at downtown which forces everyone onto I5 and 99 and downtown streets. it is all about cars and

This tunnel is more like a huge pain in the ass and burden on the the people of Washington state.

This seems borderline cruel. I really don’t see what useful information can be gained by this. The results are obvious...

I’ve learned something from all this. Scientists are complete and utter bastards!

This is mean. Someone should put these probably fat scientist on a treadmill and makes them run against their wishes.

People who choose to drive cars rarely take responsibility for their actions, their speed, and the consequences of their choices. Typically they expect the roads to be built for them and everyone else to get the hell out of the way, while they drive at whatever speed is most relevant to their own personal sense of

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A real man would’ve come at him with a lightsaber.

those things are like Mexican food - there’s only three or four actual ingredients, and they just remix them and give them different names. taco, burrito, enchilada, chimichanga, blah blah blah - burrito, rice, beans, cheese, and some red sauce.

I am going out on a limb here and say “Fuck the superbowl”. I am so tired of football utterly dominating every single conversation I hear on the news or in person. It seems that I’m the only person in america who couldnt be bothered to give two shits about this thing.

His ship crashing into the sky is such a goddamn brilliant moment.

My personal best “LIAS”is a little over 600'....

its the washing-machine effect. after you fall it scoops you back up and then you go over - again - this time with megatons of angry angry water slamming down on top of you. lather. rinse. repeat. you get hammered and drowned at the same time. super fun. oh, and often there is about 6" of water at the bottom covering

In Minnesota, what this Brotruck douchebag did is punishable by a mandatory 3 year prison sentence (please don’t ask me how I know).

Nope, no threat of bodily harm, the truck guys can easily retreat, no way a self defense plea would stand up in court. Even in a stand your ground state drawing down on unarmed people and using your weapon to win an argument makes you the bad guy.

Finger is on the trigger. That man should not be allowed in decent society.