
I think it is only probably you and me who even know what Topo and Holy Mountain even are because they don't have Nicholas Cage or car chases or robots in them. ;^)

you can walk into virtually any business in the world in a brown Dickies shirt and brown shorts pushing a hand-cart with a few cardboard boxes on it. People will even smile and wave at you. you can of course also push OUT any number of boxes with the same getup. a clipboard makes you undetectable, for the icing on the

except - computers. this is precisely what computers do perfectly.

wtf? sad, sad writer.

thanks, professor bitchy-pants. making lots of friends with that attitude?

I ran Holy Mountain through my personal neural net and it changed my life. It's all a play, a movie, all of it, all of your life, all of our lives. Literally, not metaphorically, although, metaphorically as well. When they stood up from that table at the end and just - went home, it was...beautiful. All of that

bread-and-circuses. we get the circus, they get the bread. "Hillary: Because it's Her Turn."

it shows-up the fallacy of the entire stock market. it is all and only gambling, pure and simple. and it is a rigged game. this has been obvious for years. this is only one more piece of evidence. corruption is policy.

NdGT is an _actor_. He has an iMdb page! He was in fucking Zoolander II for gods sake! He is like Bill Bye. He is an establishment talking head. He is a puppet.

Actually, in the Local Level, the one we are typing in right now, the opposite appears to be true. There appears to be a rather malignant administrative presence, something just outside our perception, something just outside our comprehension, that is demonstrably shaping the path of our existence. Blake named it

You have a good point. But this - Max Planck. There is a smallest unit of space. There is a smallest unit of time. The simple, inescapable fact is that existence is digital. And the Double Slit Experiment with its attendant Observer Effect proves that there is no "objective" reality. Also, electrons have no objective

Well, actually the Game is a bit more complex. You see, we are not all playing the same Game or even on the same Level. Each Player is having his own Game. Each Players viewpoint is unique. When they say you create your own reality they are telling a literal truth. The thing is this - Game content, what happens, the

Boredom is irrelevant. But, yeah. Sometimes the slog is the point. The thing is, even in CubeLifeHell 1.0, you have interactions with other Sims. You get to choose, every day, how you behave with and toward others and with your environment. Are you an Entrope or a Syntrope? YOu see? You can be a degrading factor in

The Simulation Hypothesis is the _best_ explanation for our existence that science has to-date. It simply explains more than anything else. If you seriously want to know what you are, what the world is, and how the universe works, search Youtube for "Tom Campbell" and watch any of his videos. He has been explaining

damn I miss Sean

To Serve Man.

and compare that skull shape to Nefertiti. Yeah - "morons".