
I got jacked by the OPM hack and as part of the recovery/ass-covering process they made me provide more private data and then bitched at me about protecting my data. We cooperate with these bastards at our peril. But hey, convenience.

something about tits.

Linux Mint/Ubuntu + any crappy old laptop + Plex = cheap, effective tv box.

When the hell are we gonna get tires in something other than black?

And by that I mean, the ZX10R would be a great starter bike, as compared to say a TZ750 Murderbike.

only if this is you:

Does is haul ginormous ass like a Boss?!?!

“Normal” is a statistical statement. It does not imply any value, only a relationship. “Normal” is unhealthy in the US. Corn syrup in sweet drinks is the primary culprit, followed closely by hormones and antibiotics in meat products. That most bodies, men and women, in the US are fat is not a good thing. Sucks to have


there is good white music.

“Dung-y"? Is that how Wheaties (tm) taste? GMO wheat: FTW.

There are no laws against riding with a toothbrush in your mouth. Do we need one?

it is mindless entertainment. people act as if anything nascar does matters. why not have all the races backwards, or in glass cars, or in a figure-eight? what if survivor required everyone to wear pink? holishit where would the legitimacy go then?

Asian girls are boring.

“It’s ‘Big-bu-tay’”

redundant snark is redundant. yeah. this. fek.

This whole thing is some creepy, occult shit.
