

“you’re” is the abbreviation for “you are”.

That’s sort of the point, General. You cannot deter the actual threat. State-sponsored (cutout) actors are immune from deterrence. That is why they are used (by states). And the idea that China (for example) would ever send bombers over the continental US is not credible. And nukes do not deter China from engaging in

riiiight., thanks. the question remains though, why did Yamaha put such a thing on the street in that condition? as if they didn't KNOW the deal with it.

based on the pose of that deer it is also a game farm situation.

That any living, breathing human being thinks nuclear weapons actually serve a deterrent purpose just saddens me. I mean it. It makes me sad. Let me state the most obvious case - what the fuck did all those nuclear weapons deter on 9/11/01? Nuclear weapons are big-dick braggadocio. That.Is.All.

I’m pretty sure it’s this:

Yeah. Sigh, again. I test-rode an FZ09 last summer. I had a pocket full of Benjamin and wanted a wheelie monster, bad. What it turned out to be was exactly that - a wheelie monster, and bad. I took it down my favorite twisty road, one I have ridden a thousand times on half a dozen bikes. I know it like I know the

Really, really nice write-up. Well done! Thanks.

I used to occasionally drive my Toyota 4x4 on the beach in Hawaii. I carried a bigass piece of carpet in the back to get me out of the sand. it works like this: if you get stuck, put the carpet in front of the front wheels and drive up onto it. when you drive off the other side, bring it back around to the front and

I like the fat ass humpty-dumpty cop who backed away from the truck as the old man got in it, after having told the cop he was gonna ram the lobby, but then grabbed his gun as if he was somehow gonna...what...shoot the truck? cops. sheesh.

asking other people to change their behavior for your own comfort pretty much defines old.

Honda has sold an “adventure scooter” for years.

everybody wants to be a tough guy, but without the risk of actual combat.

You could, you know, go down to the recruiters office and join up if you would like to play Rambo instead of playing dress-up games with your car.

with backward battery how is started the engines?

the thrower was imprisoned and tortured.

nothing happened that one day

he also sports the "skull and bones". google is ur friend on that one.