
they imprisoned and tortured Muntadhar al-Zairi, the shoe-thrower. bush laughed all the way to his private box in hell.

that man should go immediately to prison. full stop. no discussion. unless the runner had a nuclear device in his back seat and was going to detonate it in the city unless he was murdered within the next 30 seconds there is no excuse.

Chases are rarely “worth it” as far as any societal benefit or mission accomplishment. To my mind the reason any cop ever chases someone is because of emotions. Cops have one primary rule - you gotta do what they say. It is why men become cops, so they can get that. It is the violation of that cop prime directive that

Fair enough. I have only seen HD and Kawasaki on the road, and the KZ’s...are they even in service any more? I was able to Google up the Honda (seems like they didn’t like it much).

I have ridden pretty much every kind of bike. I have had a few Harleys and I have had race bikes and dirt bikes. This is true about some Harleys: they have a lot of weight below the axle height and actually handle quite well at walking speeds. I could dance my Fatboy around a parking lot all day by dragging the rear

Cops can only buy cop bikes from manufacturers that make cop bikes. That aint many. Also, the whole “Made in ‘Murka” thing matters. Perceptions. The copping business is a psyop. They have to manage perceptions. Part of the perception is nostalgia; hence the Hogs. And they need us to think they are not Stasi. Of

Same as it ever was. This is the global players fighting over resources and power and using the rest of us as cheering section, pawns, and fools. Truth is the first casualty of war. I would amend that to say “The sacrifice of truth is a prerequisite of war.” This war against Islam, which is really a war for resources

my tail is more of a cat tail than a monkey tail. it is not under total control, but is more of a reflector of mood. it is reactive and indicative. as such it needs to be displayed and not tucked behind a seat. I don't think anyone wants to poke their tail through a seat hole.

if we had tails there would be tail clothes, tail-do's, tail decorations, all kinds of bullshit. So they would need to be disl

I am going to buy a used VW this weekend. I had a 2004 GLI and I loved it but sold it for a truck. sigh. Don’t ever do that. And then I bought an electric car, a Leaf, because gas was over $4.00/gal and I thought it would keep going up. I was wrong. Well, now the Leaf is losing range (battery cycles..sigh) and so I

(to the tune of “if I were a rich man”)

I wonder how the players feel about all the cop-loving that goes on with organized sports. I mean, those same cops the owners are romancing would just as soon murder the players out on the streets if they ran across them out of uniform.


It is an absolute requirement of the job. Fear is a prerequisite.

I have two pairs of Kevlar-lined pants and I don’t wear either one of them. I have wondered about abrasion protection and whether the Kevlar itself would abrade my skin as I slid across the asphalt. If the Kevlar doesn’t hold still as you slide it makes a nice skin-sander. Purpose-built protection is the only way.

The choice in bottoms seems to be between Road Racer and Road Warrior.

pissy much?

I vote: too much. Bimota came about back when OEM bikes weren’t good enough. Bimota did what we could not quite do in our garages. But Bimota made then what Honda and Kawasaki make now. This bike is in no way “better” than the original from which it was made. It is only different, and IRL probably a lot worse.

an alien, looking down from space, would see none of this since none of the borders are "real". and yeah, humans are a quarrelsome animal. but how fun is it that we get to play them in the game of life? playing something like a tree or seahorse would be boring as hell. how else to learn love but to live war?