
Owners, schmowners, the “class” is air-breathers. WE have standing here. We want 100% of those cars off the road - pronto. I mean - WTF? It is not as if the economic damage to VW drivers or the ego damage to the US Government (“You dissed me, VW, and you gotta get smacked!”) is the point here. After all, the

the whole “pop” section is about the scrambler faux-70’s vibe. I dunno about that. low chrome pipes suck. will they bring back hard/skinny tires, too?

Or maybe this. Her name was Priscilla Ford. This was pre-Reno 911 though, which may have made a difference.

Stop the game. Immediately. There is no more competition. The slow-speed “chase” ended it all. Of course, there WAS the associated “truck crime” that came after, which was arguably worse -

The answer to the reduction-gear/motor-placement problem is obvious: shaft drive. The motor can sit low and in-line with the rear axle, with the rotating axis fore-and-aft, and a crown gear on the motor shaft will do the 90-degree trick, which is repeated on the rear wheel. The battery then sits atop the motor where

William Irwin Thompson, “Super Genius”, talks about a thing he calls a “catastrophe bifurcation” wherein a culture splits in two, one fraction going up to the commanding heights, the other (larger one) sinking into the ghetto ala Blade Runner (though milder, and with fewer assassin-bots).

WHy does everyone think military hardware is cool? I mean - helloooooo. WTF, people?

I think some of us are unclear on the concept. No one is ever, AFAIK, going to go to a Google car dealer and BUY one of these. So it will not be “your” car to personalize with a Doodle. Personal ownership would negate the prime benefit of the “Guber Auto” (Google buys Uber = Guber) which is that it simply appears when

I want to be the first person who shows up to a 1st date in a Google car. Pull up outside the restaurant and step out of one of THOSE babies and IT IS ON!

I rode an FZ09 last year, all ready to buy, money in pocket, and all hyped up for a new bike, but the test ride killed it for me. that motor is “Yikes!” but the chassis was beyond lame. It tried to kill me by pogo sticking over every uneven road surface. it was as if all it had for suspension was screen-door springs.

or if we are really, really lucky -

not unless they put a V-Dub in it.

you can see in the visor reflection the Yamaha speedo thingy like they put on the FZ bikes, as well as what may be a roundish, chrome headlight bucket reflecting the overhead lights. you can also see that the bike appears to be in neutral in the image. the single green indicator on the dash looks pretty suspicious.

Retro scrambler thumper. a large displacement single. hence “big” and “bang”. definitely wide bars and high mirrors indicates scrambler (if you think Yamaha are trendy) or maybe (oh god, could it be...?) a large displacement (700cc?) factory sumo?

for everyone involved i nthe whole suum - ufck no. This “thing” is a massive, face-plant FAIL of an autobortion. it’s not even interesting in a sort of “Cool World” kind of way. It is actually sort of embarrassing to look at. I am embarrassed

watch out for the hubris of the occasionally-correct. when you gloat and say things like “I’ve been battling (ignorance) all day...” you risk becoming that which you mock. just saying - karma and irony are next-door neighbors to all of us.

oh snap. she went there.

there exists no “pure” and perfect thing called Christmas which has been diluted or poisoned by commercialism. that beast never walked the earth any more than the pure and sacred valentines day (Saint Valentine after all).