
I read this and stopped. Came back and read it again, stopped. I’m just going to say it. Dude, it fucking terrifies me that you have a teenage daughter and you put these words together in this sequence. This is not snark or judgement. This is straight concern. Modesty is not something you need to teach. A teenager in

Yeah, that’s called a false equivalency. There’s no way an underaged teen is actually going to be fighting a supervillain (or any villain for that matter). But underaged teens being sexualized by grown ass men (and women) who have no business doing so is very much a real issue in the world.

I think if you look at the comment right above you, the belly shirt itself is not the problem. It is the body curves and positioning that suggest 25 year old woman, not 15 year old girl. I don’t know how to put this exactly, but most women are at least low level traumatized by times when they were treated like