And yet Al Franken had no experience before he became a senator.
And yet Al Franken had no experience before he became a senator.
See, I disagree with this. I love my long-term senator. He’s been around for a billion year and he has two things that make him a wonderful politician and person — he has balls and morals. He didn’t vote for the war, for example, because he read the intelligence briefing and knew the Bush Admin were lying their asses…
Yeah, the party doesn’t pick the candidate so “the Dems” don’t “put up” a candidate. People affiliated with that party — ahem, or Bernie Sanders — decide whether they want to run. I don’t know how many times I have to fucking say it, but the fucking party doesn’t fucking decide who fucking runs or gets the nomination.…
OMG. are you kidding? At this point — WHOEVER CAN BEAT HIM GETS MY FUCKING VOTE.
Y’all are nuts.
I love me some Maddow — but I’m pretty sure she and David Cay Johnston got played. Me thinks the White House WANTED this out there. They get three things — One — it makes Trump seem like he pays more in taxes than he probably does; two — it changes the narrative nicely to something other than how much of a failure the…
None of this matters anyway, because Gomer Pyle didn’t know about the alleged robbery. At least that was the first narrative. Second, it doesn’t change the fact that the DA didn’t want to prosecute this. He put people on the stand to present evidence that he knew was a lie. The way a grand jury works is that it is…
Isn’t it more likely that she’s just a dummy?
Are you fucking kidding me, with this exposing the crimes of the government? Are you fucking kidding me?
You’re kind of missing the forest for the trees. This also comes after increasing calls for an investigation into Mr. Trump’s violations of the emoluements clause, et al. Let’s face it, that slimeball Sessions probably fired all of these people JUST to keep any investigation from going forward. No way those posts will…
The LAPD would probably look at all of the connections between Trump and Russia, shrug and be like, Meh. Seems fine.
didn’t the la pd also say the wife of that scientology leader was ok??
Oh, of course. Just another double standard. When other presidents, particularly those with Ds next to their name, had secret meetings, the media, driven by nutty nut balls on the right, went NUUUUTTTTTSSSSSS. Now…meh. Everyone’s cool.
After the shitshow that was Nixon, we got a lot of reforms that worked…for a while. After McCain, et al, were caught breaking campaign laws, we got a new one that was pretty good. By the law of…something physics-y…to the level of corruption shall be the reform. So we’re in line for a big one, within the next 10 years.
Kanye is from Oak Lawn, not Chicago.
daniel radcliffe did a play where he showed his dick. every day, eight times a week. i guess all of his political opinions are invalidated, too, now?
To be fair — I think there has been some scuttlebutt that he was pressured to be harder in clinton by Republican officials and rogue members of the FBI based in NYC who were threatening, and/or maybe did leak? information to Trump surrogate Rudy Giuliani.
Yeah. But it would be reassuring if other outlets did, too.
Anyone wanna take bets on whether Trump will still be POTUS by the washington correspondents dinner? (which he’s skipping anyway.) It’s only a month away.
Trump is doing such a bad job as president that we probably won’t have another white man as president.