
Right next door in Long Beach, CA.

I think she’ll get her share of them. If you look at her career overall, she shows up in lots of variety of projects, to varying degrees of roles, that’s great sign for longevity. Her career trajection reminds me a lot of her grandfather’s (Paul Burke, if you’re older you may know him) and he worked from 1951-1990.

Toledo, Ohio, too.

Doesn't matter if they love the animals or not. SeaWorld is a business, period. One that profits off of explotation. Your friend is probably a nice person, but that doesn't make this OK. It's not about her.

It was definitely a joke.

Seriously why do people, especially men think they can make comments about how people look.

An all-woman crew would be more fuel efficient. Women weigh less and eat less (on average).

It was a joke dumbass

Seriously. It probably makes me a bad Pole, but I fucking hate beets. And this cocktail sounds like a goddamn nightmare.

This week was so blah for me that I could have used a good drink. Then I read beet salt in an open wound.

Ffs, don’t even get me started with that armed society bullshit.

How is “consistent and frequent” defined? Fuck, how is “social interaction” defined?

I honestly can’t figure out his/her deal - is Tealstar an employee of Seaworld? Paid to write favorable social media content? One of those Christians who beloved glob gave us “dominion” over animals so let’s do whatever the fuck we want to them?

Ah, so you’re choosing to promote the idea that he didn’t want to live in a non-captive environment because reasons, rather than the likely truth that he hind around humans because he associated them with food - “if I let this kid ride on my back, I’ll get a fish” had been drilled in to his brain since he was young.

No, what we’re saying is that deliberately, artificially breeding whales into captivity in the name of profit when we KNOW that they’ll lead miserable lives is reprehensible. You can keep trying to cast my objection as an objection to artificial insemination all you like, ain’t nobody going to buy it.

Road to hell, good intentions and all that.

Nah, it’d be fine, Kirk uses his wife as a stunt double for all his female co-stars.

Since this is the internet and therefore a safe space for sharing our innermost secrets... I read the original.

I wonder if I’ll enjoy not reading this version any more than I enjoyed not reading the original.

There’s already so many awful things that come out of my body when I’m hungover that I just don’t think I could deal with beet stool.