if they REALLY loved America, THEY WOULD MAKE IT WORK
if they REALLY loved America, THEY WOULD MAKE IT WORK
I do now - I appreciate your clarifications. I think we were originally saying the same thing the entire time, you just did it better, and I was the one who interpreted it wrong.
Christ, even his idea of disaster is precious.
I would have thought he’d name his new venture Ocean & Galt.
“My life was perfect up until this point.”
Probably so they would swarm him all the same time because if they did that they wouldn’t ALL die. And he would fulfill his dreams?
He doesn’t have cheeks... Is he young? Is he ill? If anything, I’d want to nurse that guy back to health.
Yeah. I think it’s just for ratings and reviews; people talk about it, like they used to about nudity or swearing. Those are mundane now, so to show that you are ‘adult’ and ‘extreme’ they have to take it to the next level to stand out, and apparently the next level is being anally raped with a drill knife.
there’s internet in Idaho?
I’m not one to say “AWAY WITH ALL RAPE SCENES” because even though they make me uncomfortable and I tend to fast-forward through them, they CAN at times serve a purpose.
Someone mentioned the rubbreman/Connie Britton scene in AHS1, while she wasn’t aware it was a rape at the time the audience sure as hell was. That…
I think Ben would tell the cheerleaders to rush him all at once because, you know, some of them would probably live. He can only shoot one at a time. Or whatever.
It could be a new cheerleader accessory! Look, it’s times like these where we have to pull together and get creative!
I would have asked who it was attached to
So far I like the new season. Better than freak show but the rape scene was too much to watch. I felt like I needed adult supervision after that .
Or...Ben Carson would suggest that all the cheerleaders carry guns. Problem solved!
I literally just watched the Daly Show's segment about Ben Carson and his thoughtless comments, which he doubled and tripled down on. So, well played.
Well, he would not have just stood there clothed.
Oh wow, another misogynist woman-hating teenager who wants to murder women en masse because he was rejected by a female. This shit is getting real old. People - stop raising your boys to think that they are *owed* a woman. We are people, we have agency, we are NOT prizes that one can “win” by being nice or because you…
Jesus kid get your nudes from the internet like the rest of us.
His followups.