Well that's good! sometimes just focusing on family is best. Whatever makes you happiest!
UM, he was the BEST part about those prequels. If anything he’s the reason they’re worth watching.
That's super terrible and I'm sorry that you got taken advantage like that. It sucks so bad when friends aren't who you thought they were. I hope you have a better best friend now
Going to have to disagree with you on that last point.
I’m awful. I laughed at your last line.
Or the fact that it was clearly written by an ESL individual? I mean, it’s better than most, but “how beautiful your picture?” “Do you know where?” These are probably not phrases written by someone in Aberdeen. I’m not saying scammers are always foreign, but when the command of English is tenuous and the name is as…
Carly Fiorina had neglected to pay her 2010 Senate campaign staffers as much as $500,000.
Wait...I’m pretty sure we’ve seen this movie before!
Admit nothing, deny everything, reverse accusations.
You have to admire her conviction. She, without hesitation, always responds to every criticism by accusing the other person of lying. Her mantra seems to be “Deny, deny, deny!” And it’s working for now. She’s building a house of cards on a foundation of jello. It’ll be quite a crash when it comes down.
“WITNESS ME!” has become the go-to phrase whenever anyone in our family is about to do anything at all. We’re even teaching our 5-yr-old grandson to use it.
i’m going to do that going forward
She just wants to know if it was always a scam.
I've learned the best way to loan money is to not consider it a loan - consider it a gift and only give the amount of money you'd be willing to/can afford to give without getting it back. That way if you don't get it back - whatever it was a gift - but if you do get it back it's just a nice bonus
I’m just glad it was a friend/roommate who screwed me over (for a relatively small sum) and taught me the hard, valuable lesson of: don’t lend people money (unless you’re okay with never seeing it again). Because, seriously, you will never see it again.
Are we really so far from the ‘80s that we can’t recognize a coke nail?
As a fellow big fluffy haired person, I feel you, Reggie. The touching, the questions, ugh.
Don’t touch other people without permision. Don’t Touch Other People Without Permission. DON’T TOUCH OTHER PEOPLE WITHOUT PERMISSION!