
but where am i supposed to get my multi-colored hoodies and baseball t-shirts now????

MRAs love to derail conversations with made-up information about how well Science is coming along with the invention of the external womb.... I think the fantasy goes something like, “Pretty soon you broads will all be obsolete, and then you’ll be sorry you wouldn’t go out with me!”

See also: “Every abortion is immoral except MY abortion”

Might have to stare at it a few more times to be sure.

THAT’S not a full-frontal penis shot! THAT’S A VERY NAUGHTY BOY!

I never tire of Monty Python. ;)

Don't look too...hard, Arken.

Blurry?! No! That was an artsy penis shot! Like, is the penis even really there? If a penis gets hard in the woods was it ever really a penis? It really makes you think...

lol I recall carrying Nietzsche around when I was 11 so the teachers would think I was *an intellectual*

If Haim bring back Lilith Fair, people like Taylor Swift or Selena Gomez will end up headlining and then what’s the point of bringing back Lilith Fair!! I want to wear my Birkenstocks and listen to angsty chick rock.

my idea of huge novels at 12 was stephen king.

Save some cheekbones for the rest of us, sheesh.

I mean, I don’t want to wait for our lives to be over, I want to know right now, what will it be?

Lol, that book is unreadable no matter the age.

Oh wow, that's totally absurd.

I mean, I doubt it too. But I guess it's possible she read it at 12, but if she did, she sure as shit didn't understand a lot of it. So it's not as impressive as she makes it sound.

I mean, isn’t the general thing about slavery that people don’t want to be slaves?

I continue to believe calling people “whitey” is not cool. Not the worst offense ever, quite obviously, but still an unattractive thing to do.

I’m grey now. I pissed off Clover Hope by saying that her calling Matt Damon “whitey” was “ugly.” And boom, demotion.

Your penis does evil things while you sleep.