
This Aziz Ansari story has really shaken me. As some of you may remember (or maybe not, I’m certainly not that important), a month or two ago something finally clicked in my head- that I had been sexually assaulted when I was a teenager by my boyfriend at the time. We were both 16 (plus or minus a year, I can’t quite

I meant it literally.... she is a professional boxer

When people say “We survived Reagan, you’ll survive Trump” I like to remind them of the Reagan-led genocide of (primarily) gay men. So no...fuck you. We did not all survive Reagan. My generation (and some of the Boomers) lost the best and brightest of us all and we’ve never recovered from that loss.

Wow let’s not drag the awesome Hercules through the mud here.

Goodbye Kara. I’ll miss your wit and your insight.

I know you won’t see this, but you are a big deal to me and I’m happy for you.

Please find a way to insert Shade Court into your new work!

What impact would having bigger fish to fry have? All you have to do is vote no or abstain. At this point the only democrat who hasn’t voted for a Trump nominee is Kirstin Gillibrand. Throw the rest of them out on the street. She can stay.

This is what kills me. GO MITCH MCCONNELL. Everyone thought all that GOP obstruction, I mean Garland NEVER GOT A HEARING, would hurt them. It didn’t, it helped, they gained more seats. I say fuck it and say NO to everything.

It is a betrayal. And it’s why we lost, and are continuing to lose. Because we let fucking cowards be our representatives. They should be fighting tooth and fucking nail on every one of these nominations. Not a single one of them is even a quarter of a percent qualified. Our only chance at this point is if we can