
I absolutely adore Thandie and she is incredibly brave BUT you are really only revealing that you don’t know many Marines with that statement. Please consider the sacrifices Marines make and the rate of veteran suicide before you make such a flippant statement. You don’t have to be conservative to not want to belittle

I never comment but I do want to point out one misconception. Fasting is actually very different from caloric restriction and can be done with the support of your doctor. Intermittent fasting and extended fasting can be a way to treat Type 2 diabetes (again, with the support of your physician for any longer fasts). I,

Oh my God. Commenting for the first time because I went to him. He made the same comment about my being a runner. I remember him making some weird comments about Chinese students on campus. I told several people because it felt strange. I am not realizing until today that it was bizarre that he inserted his fingers

This is the best thing I have read all day. Thank you so much.