
I don’t think it’s a failure to communicate about sex though. I had plenty of first time sex that was downright awful because the guy didn’t know or didn’t care about what he was doing.

Evans was basically donning a Hitler-stache

All kidding aside, NFL cheerleading will go the way of teaching and administrative work: salaries will be higher when men are involved.

For Mayer’s sake, I’m just glad he didn’t cross Beyonce.

It’s worth noting that Ohio is one of the most gerrymandered states out there. The legislature may be 64-35, but the state is more like 55-45 at most. In an equitable legislature, this bill goes nowhere, but now it’ll probably pass and go into law. Because Republicans have gerrymandered themselves a supermajority.

*Unpopular opinion alert*

I think the Thriller part of things is a requirement, or maybe plot, characters that don’t bore you to tears.

Look, I’m glad whenever anyone tries to sue Disney, but everyone’s a villain here.

Perhaps they should have renegotiated her contract then...

I saw someone on Twitter say this, but: If you accuse a corporation of breach of contract, and that corporation responds by immediately referencing COVID, that corporation 100% breached that contract.

He’s a marketing genius.

Honestly I wear an 18/20 womens and those danged boyshorts still fit me. Their sizing is so weird. But so many of their products really went downhill in the last few years. I had VS panties I bought like, sophomore year of college that lasted for at least five years if not more. The last time I bought them the cotton not a good song. I’m sorry, but that’s just how I feel about it. I don’t really know what Lorde is trying to do with this, it’s just such a radical departure into the mundane and boring. I don’t have high hopes for the rest of the album after this.

I got mad respect for Cam Newton’s fashion game ever since he hit up Coachella in this gorgeous number:

That’s why it’s B.S.. It’s not designed to help people pay rent or bills, it’s meant to make you go buy stuff to stimulate the economy for big business.

I do not own my cats; I serve them.

Aww! That’s a lovely story! I have a dog story too. When I was a kid, we had a spaniel. He was called sparky, and he was very protective of me, I guess because I am disabled and and only child. It was just him and me for most of my childhood. He died when I was 20, he had cancer so had to be pts. I was heartbroken...

Ooh, you live in Kentucky.  I have a question.  Why is Mitch McConnell so popular?

Hopefully, the fallout from this investigation hits Ivanka hard enough that she will go to prison. See also - Brothers Trump(not including Barron)