Blookie Maylock

This is especially true when you consider that evidently the Russians were warned hours in advance (and in turn, warned their Syrian clients in an effort to minimize casualties). I agree that this action (by itself) doesn’t mean that war is likely. As someone else noted in another thread, we’ve launched strikes all

“[Perez] is in the race only because the Clinton/ Obama/ establishment powers of the party want him to be there to represent their interests.”

Mook didn’t have anything to do with this. Buzzfeed has now changed the story after they checked with the agency (which they should have done before publishing the story). The agency said Mook had no idea and that it was something they were basically advertising without his permission.

Nah, don’t apologize. Buzzfeed didn’t check with the speaking agency before publishing and now have completely changed the story to update that Mook had no idea about any of this and it was all made up by the agency.

So is HamNo going to print an update now that Buzzfeed has changed its reporting to say that Mook had no idea about any of this and it was all made up by the speaking agency? Because that seems like pretty important information. I know that doesn’t fit with his “Clintonite Dems don’t care about Syrian refugees