
Well that raises another question then doesn't it? When a kid on COD yells I'm going to rape you in chat, it gets reported as rape culture even though its an expression of phrase. If that's newsworthy enough to be raised by Jez, why is this "joking" treated as a joke?

I know right? When a guy wants to meet Taylor Swift, he's either a misogynistic creep or Taylor Swift is 100% in the right in not meeting him but when a girl announces she actively wants to meet a bunch people who may or may not want to see her, its admirable and OMG I WANT TO DO THAT TOO!!!

Do tell me what makes it fine in the breadth of a sentence to make a guy out to be a creep for wanting to meet Taylor Swift but its ok for Jez's "Idol" Lena Dunham to admit to having a list of people to stalk and meet. I'm not trolling, I really want to know

So guy stalking girl is sexist and creepy. Lena Dunham stalking a woman is a-ok?

So you promote having people put into jobs regardless of their qualifications? That's a recipe waiting to backfire since all it takes is one "scandal" where some minority/woman fucks up and it turns out they shouldn't have been in that role to begin with for the whole system to fall apart.

Hey lets keep a scorecard of the men that made Jezebel's front page, or even non-white women for that matter.... so that would be what Dodai vs. everyone else?

Haha and here we all were whining about Bloomberg for so many years

Well no. The defense was essentially trying to establish that she was a girl with loose morals (partying, drinking underage) so that sober consent to sex with multiple partners is not out of the question.

I think the ultimate question is what is a good baseline. Anything over 25 miles is out of the way enough that it might discourage women that's for sure but its also not viable to pop up abortion clinics in random areas to service a small population either

What is a "good" distance then? 25 miles is a lot for someone without means of transportation but if setting up PP sites everywhere isn't exactly sustainable either from a cost benefit

Its appearances though and hence the "quizzing" Nerd stuff has usually been a pasttime transcribed to scrawny social outcasts, especially men, and while statistically impossible, you end up with suspicions. When you springs numbers like, hey 50% of all video gamers are women now and oh by the way we've included

Put in something like that yes, its a sad attempt at wacky XD. If you're talking about the memes like tits or GTFO or gb2kitchen or some variation. That's usually because its an attempt at humor as well since memes funny!

Yeah its not like its a sad attempt at humor or something, totally misogyny kinda like how Erin's "jokes" about which Disney character is hottest is misandry right?

Are you one of her die hard fans? TS sorta gets a Lena Dunham reaction from most people these days, either she's the voice of our generation and its good a normal girl can make it big or she's a vapid/insipid woman who doesn't deserve her fame

To be fair, he's also NOT GUILTY no matter how much you disagree with it.

But then her PR's obviously backfiring isn't it ;)? You have to admit it is sorta weird that all her hits about love and she really made a big deal emphasizing how she dated a normal guy and she's totally one of us. My points are less directed toward you in retrospect and more towards the people who went from

The rationale behind MRA's is that there are instances where the current system overwhelmingly discriminates against men instead of women (custody being the big one) so its easier than you think to claim you're a feminist because you're essentially against the current establishment like everyone else. Issue is Jezebel

I'm certain your car got totaled in that crash too right?

Good attitude. Though I really REally doubt anyone would call her a slut for doing it. That's like calling her a pedophile because she went to prom with that high school student. I'm pretty sure everyone would be laughing at the both of them not just Taylor

Hey Erin, guess what? He's not guilty for killing Martin no matter how many times you wish or write your CAPS LOCK articles about it.