
Trump is one committing treason on a daily basis. Clinton has had a $600 million witchhunt aimed at her for 25 fucking years and the assholes on the both the right and left still can’t prove that she has EVER done ANYTHING illegal much less treasonous. Open your eyes. You got played by right wing and Russian

I’m Latino and gay... and couldn’t disagree more with your comment.

I am also white. It seems like maybe Cho was being nice and diplomatic instead of saying what she really thought. It seems like Tilda was honestly trying but also trying to promote the movie and say how it is actually okay. Maybe Cho viewed in negativity in hindsight because she felt like she couldn’t say her real

Everything you said makes a lot of sense. I know there’s a lot of frustration around minorities being expected to shoulder the burden of explaining things to white people, or having to be nice to white people in order to “heal,” when white people aren’t asked to make any concessions. Which I think is bullshit. And I

She has connections to a different culture, whatever. The point is Swinton made an honest and well-intentioned attempt to understand this issue and was not rude or offensive about it at all. And Cho shat on her publicly for no good reason.

I think that both things are true: MC did mischaracterize the interaction and TS was too quick to brush off her role in (and benefit from) whitewashing. TS comes across at once open to concerns, but at the same time very much closed off to them. She is adamant that she is someone who values diversity and that be

“Its not my job to teach you even if you ask in earnest but fuck you for not knowing?”

Thanks for this. As much as I try to understand other viewpoints, at the end of the day my perspective is going to be different than that of someone from an Asian or minority background. I see your point and how Tilda’s responses may have come across as her brushing off Cho’s concerns.

And the whole “I have an Asian friend” thing did not come across at all. Cho specifically said she’d suggest producing something with Asian actors, to which Swinton responded that she was doing just that.

This stood out to me as well. I imagined TS had said something along the lines of, “why are people criticizing

Being white means nothing in this situation. Here was one human being trying to earnestly relate to another human being of a different culture, and then said other person went on to be a two-faced ass about it for no reason.

How did a copy/pasted email exchange between 2 other people involve any bias on the part of Rich?

Totally how I read it too.

I’m having difficulty understanding Margaret Cho’s perspective here. It sounds like Tilda was up front about the issues, expressed her desire to do something about it and sought advice from someone who is in a good position to provide it. And Cho’s responses were thoughtful and measured as well. Not sure what got lost

People born in ‘88 aren’t grown men. They’re still chi-

The number of people who have no fucks to give for Allen’s behaviour really amplifies the horror of his behaviour.