
That Apple iPad girl? She’s lying. She knows what a computer is. Don’t play dumb with me, little girl. Typing away on an iPad in a Brooklyn backyard is sucky and you know it. Get a real laptop.

My suggestion if you haven’t built is to get a decent CPU, lots of storage space in your case, a 120GB+ SSD boot drive, and make sure it’s cool and quiet to run 100% uptime.

DVD + Handbrake + Plex + Data redundancy.

Remember when the Internet was evolving in the 90s and everyone said you should never give a website your real information let alone your real payment information? I don’t think Bezos is worth $100 billion because we are giving Amazon fake addresses and credit cards every time we make a purchase.

Ate the W. Proves he elite anything

Anyone who uses a real tree and wants to minimize the number of dropped pine needles on the floor, as well as keep the tree from drying out and drooping while becoming even more of a fire hazard?

How on earth do you not know how to spell Amendola.

And shocking no one, the Pats fan pretends to be the victim.

The fact you believe any NFL players deserves to be cheap-shotted because another person missed the call is..........

A standardized tattoo would be a really good idea, maybe with some sort of identifier that you could add to help point to whatever record you have filed with the state. Make the design available to tattoo artists and the public, along with a note that it will be considered gospel if you end up at the hospital. No more

You have to strike while the iron is hot, and I don’t think Cameron did. The right time for an Avatar sequel was a year or two after the first one, not after everyone’s feelings had cooled toward the franchise like a leftover fried egg sitting in its own grease. No one I know is excited for more Avatar.

I think you’re seriously underestimating Deathstroke’s cool/recognition factor.

This is like eating a mediocre chicken sandwich at a restaurant and then demanding you also be allowed to eat the beaks and feathers.

Old Man here 100% disagreeing with you. I am pumped for some new stories in Star Wars that aren’t prequels and aren’t part of the Skywalker Saga.

Okay so explain the church goers she talks about in the latter half of her article, the ones she associates with now.

Atheists are bigoted morons.

OK, no, not all of you are. But enough of you are. You don’t know jack about people’s religious beliefs, all you ever do is resort to stereotypes or hold up the worst

I’m pretty sure I’m completely straight, but daaaaaamn....

Internet commenters are cynical about religion and missed the entire part of the story where she found a more inclusive church. I’m shocked!

Well to be fair, a lot of things done in Batman v Superman were the wrong choice, so I’m all for this retcon

Really, it’s come to this?