If you think nudity is shocking I’d like to know what time machine you came in on.
If you think nudity is shocking I’d like to know what time machine you came in on.
Man, I hear this shit every time someone critiques a summer blockbuster for being shitty. You know what movie wasn’t shitty? Fury Road. You know what that movie was? Like two hours of nonstop flaming explosions and cars blowing up and batshit post-apocalyptic dialogue and Charlize Theron ripping some guy’s fucking…
March is generally the “yeeeea, this isn’t good” movie release month. Not quite as bad as january, but not a good sign. Given that this was moved from a Summer 2015, to a Summer 2016, to a March 2016 release date, it’s safe to say it isn’t exactly a strong flick.
I had a bad feeling when WB/DC imposed the reviewers embargo on this film until it was lifted yesterday. Pretty much all the reviewers said the same thing: