Thank goodness it’s mostly over. There are some areas in the US where environmental justice is moving slowly, like the dock areas in LA, and of course, Flint, Michigan and anywhere where lead-soldered water systems are deteriorating.
Thank goodness it’s mostly over. There are some areas in the US where environmental justice is moving slowly, like the dock areas in LA, and of course, Flint, Michigan and anywhere where lead-soldered water systems are deteriorating.
Lots of folks want to be truck drivers. The pay is good. It's not as demanding as heavy labor. Your comment is elitist.
I dunno. I think it’d be interesting to drive all over the place and see new places. Obviously you can’t while working but surely you can take a break in whatever city you end up in and enjoy the sites.
Having done local delivery (driving a semi in a Bay Area) it’s not all that bad. Not the most exotic work, it’s true, but nothing to be looked down brother once observed that I was happier back then...
Came here to say the same thing: Science is good, because unlike assertions, it’s backed up by facts ‘n stuff. Most experts now agree that the drop in violent crime that took place during and directly after the time Giuliani was mayor is correlated not to his policing strategies, but to the drop in lead poisoning and…
She encompasses three aspects central to their fear, contempt and loathing: she’s black, a woman and garnered more success than they will ever hope to achieve.
Does any journalist on TV know anything anymore???? Fuck whether the argument was “logical”. It’s simply not true and there is data that supports this, I am so frustrated with the media failing to follow up when the GOP makes up this bullshit on the fly.
I’ll be honest, I’m not sure what you’re so bent out of shape about. The poll was unquestionably unscientific, but so what? It’s not intended to be a peer reviewed study. It isn’t indicating anything bad about women, just likely inaccurately representing women’s interest in truck driving, but in a direction that might…
She made it easy for that particular pack of idiots to forget she was black. Then she started talking publicly about real issues and-OH SHIT!-
Pretty much anyone who’s ever been sexually assaulted or done anti-sexual violence prevention work is deemed “biased” in sexual assault cases, and dismissed from the jury pool due to their supposed inability to be “impartial”.
I dunno, I feel like for a long while Beyonce was an “acceptable” black and then this album came out and people realized that she viewed herself as a genuine black woman. Apparently that was just too much for them.
Study after study after study has shown that the aggressive policing tactics used by the NYPD under Giuliani did not reduce violent crime relative to the decreases that occurred in other cities not using these methods. At all. The entire decline can be chalked up to demographic changes. (Being an economist by training…
I find it weird when white people are open enough in their racism to hate on Beyoncé. I mean, as far as public figures go, she’s pretty wholesome as well as being obviously talented as all hell, and everyone’s suburban mom loves her music. But, like, even she’s still all terrifyingly BLACK to a fair percentage of the…
Do the prosecuting lawyers probe the potential jurors to find out if they’ve made unwanted sexual contact? Of course they can’t just ask “have you assaulted someone” since it’s been made clear that the perpetrators often don’t consider what they’ve done to be assault/rape/wrong. I need some glimmer of hope for the…
My thought exactly. It’s rare a woman hasn’t been groped by some asshole in her lifetime. It’s pretty messed up that in that regard, men are considered so terribly neutral on this issue.
Pretty much anyone who’s ever been sexually assaulted or done anti-sexual violence prevention work is deemed “biased” in sexual assault cases, and dismissed from the jury pool due to their supposed inability to be “impartial”. They have to call 2-3x as many people for the jury pool on a rape case compared to normal. I…
I think most people (excluding the types who hang out on quasi-feminist blogs, anyway) are fairly clueless about how routinely rapists are coddled and victims are punished. They may have a vague sense that rape is a hard crime to convict, but they’re okay with that, because it’s just the way the justice system works —…
Earlier this morning there was a thread about not sleeping by naked because of the potential for kids barging in upon waking up. Some guy said “uh lock your door” and he got piled on. Like how dare he not like be every second for your children’s every whim.
Trump’s reaction tells me that he has repeated ever scintilla of classified information he was given to every single person in his family.
And this right here is what pisses me the fuck off about our parenting culture in America. Parents (well, mostly mothers) are expected to be able to fill every single need for their children single-handedly. A parent is expected to be a caretaker, teacher, cook, laundress, cleaner, food source, and crafter-in-chief.…