
Ehh, I mean, I love Jezebel, obviously. But Myrna (if that’s the thread you were talking about) was complaining about a particularly dark time where she got booted from the site by a touchy writer, then a bunch of people jumped in with non-specific, vague hatred for the feminist site which was gross. It’s hard, I

When people say something that offends you, they’re morally superior jerks who are hating on you. When you say something that offends other people, they’re “weak willed” and you aren’t “being a jerk at all.”

Dude, you threw the first punch but refuse to see it. You are passive aggressive and think that you can behave unsportsmanlike. You literally said “Try Harder” was a good thing to say after a match. No, that has never been acceptable. And we are mostly NOT calling you names. You’ve categorized us all as a group and

I am an XXy woman. I successfully conceived and delivered my child. I have naturally occurring high levels of testosterone. I am also a sofa schlub. There’s no way in hell I or my android pelvis could perform as well as the *LEAST* testosterone laden of the competitors.

I mean, the man does have a head like a hole...

Excellent point. The only way for Trump to be the smartest person in the room is to hire people who are profoundly and / or willfully ignorant.

Really chomping at the bit here to learn more than we already know about an orange buffoon and a beleaguered woman who really, really wants this.

As always. Drunk men can’t be blamed for committing rape or sexual assault, but drunk women are always to blame for getting themselves raped or sexually assaulted.

“She said that the office declined to prosecute because her attacker was “drunk and they ‘can’t prove’ he knew I wasn’t consenting.””

I’m more than a little horrified that “rape wasn’t considered rape back then” is being repeatedly used to excuse him. And utterly boggled that people are seriously claiming that courts are impartial and therefore it’s not fair to be believe anyone found not guilty could have committed the crime.

This isn’t even unusual. There was a case about 10 years where 3 teenaged boys raped a passed-out girl with bottles and cans, pools cues, and lit cigarettes, filmed the whole thing and distributed the video to their friends. They were convicted (after an original mistrial, in which the 11 male jurors insisted there

OT but relevant: This also applies to feminism!

Nate Parker isn’t really interested in equity; he’s interested in privileging black masculinity and himself. It’s really ugly and I’m not here for it. If your pro-Blackness isn’t pro-woman, pro-queer, pro-trans, pro-disability, it is NOT pro-Blackness; you just want to oppress as you yourself were oppressed.

Well, for me it was the testimony of the third man in the apartment that night, Kangas. I could hardly get through the trial transcript. He testified that the victim wasn’t moving and didn’t have her eyes open while his friends were “having sex” with her. Kangas watches for awhile (after Parker waves him in to observe)

I had no idea about Gandhi being a wife abuser. After looking it up, I found that he sexually abused his grandnieces as well. My opinion of him will never be the same.

Well then show it off in its early jet age glory:

I just do not understand why she is criticized for being ambitious. So what? Are the other candidates less ambitious? Also, after 30 years of being accused of everything from murder on down, no wonder she is so disliked. She is qualified, she is ready and she will make a great President - especially compared to the

Yup. And everyone seems to be angrier at Hillary for all of this than the man actually accused of rape. Until that stops being the case, I refuse to let the alleged actions of Hillary’s husband impact my opinion of her as a candidate. And she is still by far the best candidate in this election.

I’m skeptical because she seems angrier at Hillary than at the man who allegedly raped her and that shit doesn’t sit well with me. I’m skeptical because she has contradicted herself so many times, and seems to only come out of the woodwork when Hillary is running for something. I’m skeptical because she doesn’t seem

If Ken Starr didn’t bite on it, it’s probably a nothingburger.