
Yeah- total classic- I’ll never forget Michelle Obamas reaction after Hillary delivered this:

No, I think part of the reason he hates her so much is that she doesn’t give a shit about appearing to care about being attractive to men. He can’t sexualize her, therefore she has no value. And worse, it’s a woman who doesn’t care if he finds her attractive who will stand up to him.

When I was little, I remember thinking it was beyond ridiculous that my dad said there was a time - before Kennedy - when people said a Catholic would never be president of the US. (It was extra-weird because we’re Canadian, so Catholics have never really had the outsider status here.)

Hillary was a staunch Democrat by her sophomore year of college, organizing civil rights and anti-war protests.

And Reagan was an FDR Democrat.

Honest to god, if (fingers crossed) Hillary wins, I’m almost more looking forward to seeing how Bill will handle being the First Gentleman. (Or whatever his title would be—First Spouse? There were some First Ladies who were not the wife of the president.)

Trump’s grasp of English aside, we have no official language in this country, and not everyone speaks English.


I don’t recall that Dora the Explorer actually ever spoke in Spanish on the show. SHE JUST SHOUTED AT ME ALL THE GODDAMN TIME TO DO THINGS!!!

Whatever woman became the first presidential nominee from a major US party - whether that was going to be Clinton or somebody else - was never going to be the pristine and pure beacon of hope and change, etc. that any of us may want to see, simply because it takes a championship fighter to break down barriers.

Exactly! Bernie has the freedom to be a lefty, to be an everyman, to demand progressive priorities and look like a schlub (I saw many of his supporters tout the “he doesn’t care how his hair looks!” thing as a plus) doing it. Hillary has had to walk a very narrow path for her entire life in the spotlight, and she is

I think that’s a dangerous game to play. I know you don’t mean it this way, but I do feel that any female nominee would be met with objections of “I’ve wanted a female presidential nominee for a long time, just not this female presidential nominee.” All candidates have faults, but female candidates are expected to be

Would it make you excited to vote for her knowing you’ll be voting for someone who will make liberal appointments to the Supreme Court (possibly even more liberal than Garland), will fight to overturn Citizens United, will work for comprehensive immigration reform, actually believes in climate change and the need to

To the diehard Bernie people crying in these comments and, according to my TV screen, literally crying at the convention:

My family of origin’s motto was, “Too many chiefs, not enough Indians.” Our own family motto is “Naps are good.” You can see that things have simmered down a bit through a generation.

First of all, I’m truly, genuinely not sure why you think I’d disagree with the statement that a poor white person has a better chance of avoiding prison than a poor black person. Like I’ve said about a million times, privileges don’t cancel each other out. Being white, or rich, or male, or straight, or whatever else

It would be nice if we had better options, sure. But if you’re trying to refer to a group of adult female human beings, and your choices are to call them “girls” or “women,” call them women. That’s what they are.

Well, at what age do we stop talking about male humans as “boys” and start referring to them as “young men”? Late teens? Probably the same rough cutoff is appropriate when it comes to girls/women.

There are no degrees of suffering. As another old white dude said: