
I've seen videos of guys on xtube injecting it into their balls. I don't think they payed that much, though.

Aw, this is beautiful. And it's refreshing to see a monoracial black gay couple in the media.

I laughed at this for a good five minutes.

Except she didn't solve anything and neither can any black person solve anti blackness. It's not our issue. And do you really think black people like talking about racism? Do think it's fun for us?

I love Daniel, but I can't sit through another movie set in a major city with an all white cast.

Who knew that Terrio had so many doctors that frequented Jezebel?

I hooted.... I hollered.... This video took me on an emotional roller coaster.

Why would that be surprising.?

Would they not be completely justified?

I''m sure you would.

But I sure the millions who would suffer in the aftermath would care very much.

As a working college student, I wanted to try this, but I have a hard time believing anybody would hire a black man to watch their kids.

You know whats worse than being called a racist....dealing with racism and feeling like you can't comment racist behavior for fear being called irrational and hyperbolic.

This is a huge reason why I'm wary of dating white men because this " I fuck black people therefore anything I say or do is above reproach" mentality is extremely prevalent.

I'm so tired of people defending this man ( and others) in a effort to protect the image of the gay community.

I liked Anne and still do, but I'm tired of white people doing this to hip hop. I'm also tired of white people using black slang ironically for laughs. It's tired and has racist undertones.

Only one incident was even mention and it was because an employee was taking pictures of her and posting them on twitter which anybody working in retail in 2014 is warned against doing when they're hired.

Again, it's all in the way it's discussed. And there is a habit talking down about Africa and Africans in general. And it's done in a way that is not in discussions about Russia.

True, but it always starts and then continues with white people, so it's hard not to be cynical about it.

I think she means leads. Women of color still aren't getting lead roles in these movies.