
They're clean. What's gross about them?

It's all in the way that criticism is given.

It's just too bad that this won't mean anything to non white members of the LGBT

I'm so tired of gay representation meaning to two white guys.

You don't think calling him a future rapist is a bit excessive?

That didn't happen in real life though. Only in the film

It's true, though.

Maybe she's not totally steering it, but she definitely has her hand on the wheel. A huge amount of this is her.

Sorry Miley. You're not a good person. You use black people and black culture as props. And we all know you'll bust a Mark Wahlberg as soon as people get tired of talking about you and act like this was all just a young adult phase.

Thank you for reminding me I've rarely visited this site since early 2011.

I'm really over this. Y'all don't like what he did to Rihanna and his lack of accountability, fine, but really? This is what y'all are gonna do? This could have been a chance to discuss male victims of rape and how they deal with it. This could've started a discussion of the sexualization of black bodies no matter how

I can't stand Mileys racist ass, but why does their nudity have to have a message? That's the one problem I don't have with her. It's her body if you really believe in the autonomy of women then why should it matter if that's her or Rihanna or Keshas choice? They shouldn't have to have a reason for being naked if

I always laugh when people try to hold up Madonna as some kind of innovator. Everyone wants to compare modern pop stars to her, but all she did was take from other artists as well. David Bowie, Grace Jones, Kylie Minogue, Marylin Monroe. I'm awed by her ability to stay somewhat relevant much longer than she should've

So you could tolerate and defend her appropriating a culture and using black people as props?