
Oh the pain........that didn’t hurt you in any way.

What would adding recoil do for a gun that fires one round?

A writer at I09 and a pro Cosplayer?! Evan really is a man of many skills.

Now playing

In Artorias theme, It’s ultimate cosplay props Made by ManAtArms, actual freakin bladed steel blade that’ll get you banned from most convention.

Your grammar is also fucking phenomenal, professor.

“I suppose you could go all Judgy McJudgerson on TaZzeRK for doing nothing but play a video game for six months,”


5318008 thumbs up.

Why don’t you fucken blow him you love him so much.

How long have you been sitting on that one?

Damn Mike, I forgot this existed. Now I must share with everyone I have ever known.

But did you see all those buffalo?! That was a lot of buffalo! No one has that many buffalos!

IRL Cerebral Bore

began to really bore me

Hi there, Kinja Tech here. Can you try accessing the site incognito to see if that makes a difference? Shoot us an email us with details including your browser version and OS, we’ll try to get the ship righted for you.

Thank you very much! I hope you’ll enjoy what you play, though feel free to report back either way - feedback is always useful and appreciated :-D

Actually, it’s quite the opposite - for the horse armor, you paid for the base game, and you then paid (quite a lot) for a cosmetic addition that was functionally useless... here, the base game is free and will remain so if you so choose, what you pay is entirely out of your own volition based on what you estimate the

Absolutely! I’m not pretending I’m inventing anything here - but I think you’ll agree it’s not a commonly used model on Steam, either, and having the base game free is not something I personally have seen done on Steam before. But I’m still sure someone, somewhere has done it... the point was never to be the first,

The MMO does not count.