How can you post this video without the beginning? You know, when he gets a text from his girlfriend, “Come over, parents are out of town.”
...on a FE350 or 500...
Hey Sean,
Everything except for two:
Well, weight is not that important while riding, however while crashing...
The less mass at the end of your body the lesser impact...
Because ICON agrees with Wes and I (as well as a number of other respected manufacturers) that SNELL is a stupid standard.
100% correct
I don’t think any Icon helmets are SNELL rated, but they’re all ECE compliant, and that’s superior to SNELL anyway.
I used to have problems with their anti-fog coating losing its effectiveness after as little as a month of daily riding through cold, wet conditions. I solved the problem by moving.
+1 bajillion for Portland. Oregon drivers are no great shakes in dry weather, but are also counter-intuitively bad at driving in the nine rainy months out of twelve we get here. Turn the rain to snow, and the streets turn into one gigantic driver's ed nightmare. Kudos to "that asshole in the Impreza." People should…