Blood Cubic Zirconia

Great article! Any thoughts on why Iceland has one of the highest rates of car ownership in the world? (210K cars in a population of ~320K, or 1.5 per person.) Did it seem like that was the case there? I've often read/heard this, but never been granted an explanation.

Been scanning today's posts after a 'real' day at work and only invested time in reading both this and the emotionally draining "How Should an Abortion Be?" article on Gawker. Both posts are about organic matter that comes from bodily orifices not far from each other, yet the two articles elicit completely opposite

Until 2021 it is.

I may be wrong, but did they not perfect the Z8's performance in its final year of production? Maybe I'm thinking of the Alpina version...

DISCOVER?!?! An AmEx-style dick move from a Discover cardholder. Where's the humility? For shame...

I know, right? Talk about skid marks...

Thanks Máté, b33g33, and Devon lost his burner, for being voices of reason on this. As a long time Volvo fan and owner, my knee-jerk reaction was to start considering other makes more seriously.

Yesterday, there was the "respect boner," a few other types of boner, and now the "justice boner!" Hope someone is keeping track, because I think 2015 is going to be the year of the "[noun] boner"

Human Centipede!

Reminds me of this - I was a kid when I saw this in U.S. News and World Report, and even then knew it was BS...