DISCOVER?!?! An AmEx-style dick move from a Discover cardholder. Where's the humility? For shame...
DISCOVER?!?! An AmEx-style dick move from a Discover cardholder. Where's the humility? For shame...
I know, right? Talk about skid marks...
Thanks Máté, b33g33, and Devon lost his burner, for being voices of reason on this. As a long time Volvo fan and owner, my knee-jerk reaction was to start considering other makes more seriously.
Yesterday, there was the "respect boner," a few other types of boner, and now the "justice boner!" Hope someone is keeping track, because I think 2015 is going to be the year of the "[noun] boner"
Human Centipede!
Reminds me of this - I was a kid when I saw this in U.S. News and World Report, and even then knew it was BS...