The problem is that a) he seems to think he’s immune to murder and b) we know he’s full of shit. The gods didn’t ask him to make cersei walk naked, he wanted that.
The problem is that a) he seems to think he’s immune to murder and b) we know he’s full of shit. The gods didn’t ask him to make cersei walk naked, he wanted that.
My immediate text message to two of my friends who are also book readers: “They fuckin’ killed Shaggydog??!!! Are you fuckin’ kidding me??!!!!”
Like a lot of people here, I hope “the North remembers”, and that the Umbers (and sure, maybe the Karstarks) are playing the long con. But I don’t think the showrunners are too invested in showing Northern politics like in the south. I pray to the seven that Shaggydog returns to rips Ramsey’s fucking face off though.
My money’s on that Dire Wolf head being fake and Rickon and Osha playing their own game, with the Umbers as backup. Osha’s too badass to be taken by Umber’s men- the only reason she got caught by the Starks was because was traveling with chumps.