
would have been less risky to have someone park their car in his place and move at the last minute. wouldn’t have trusted a cone

In BrBa Saul asks White and Pinkman ‘It wasn’t me, it was Ignacio. Did Lalo send you?’ when they released him from a car trunk. So if Lao meets his demise in BCS, Saul isn’t aware.

Can someone please tell the new recapper that we read the AV Club for more than a literal summary of the episode we just watched? I’m used to more insight and better writing for the top shows. 

The Nacho storyline will certainly continue and have reverberations, not the least which will be Mike needing to uphold his promise to him.

I just read a couple good interviews with Michael Mando and in the Vanity Fair one, he talks about how Peter, Vince, and Melissa told him that he was going to have his own feature film inside this season.” They were definitely right, but I also feel sad that it happened so early in the season as you do. 

The one thing that has stood out for me about BARRY is just how much tension, story, black humor and drama can be delivered in the span of 30 minutes all delivered with wonderful direction and style.

It’s fucking sad. BrBa’s comment sections (and by extension, BCS’ as well) were flooded with great discussion and interpretations from fans, followers, and other staff writers. 

There’s 2 episode of only Gene, I imagine that will be at the end, to finally close out the loop...hopefully where the “future” (it is the past to us now, but I imagine it’s not much farther than 2012, BrBa ended in 2010 so...)

Also remember what Forster tells Jesse in El Camino, about how he has no pity for him

I get that Donna left massive shoes to fill, but goddamn. This place is a wasteland. 

There was pretty much 0 substance to this review/whatever you’d call this. This was over 2 hours of TV and it wasn’t much more than a summary of the events. Wild times at AVC.

Ending this series with nothing resolved seems right up the show’s alley.

imdb’s got Fogler listed to return for the final leg of this bloated mess. This show’s cast is waaayyy too big. They should’ve killed off most of them years ago. Negan, Princess, and a couple of the other newer characters are the only ones I even enjoy watching. And there’s no narrative tension with Daryl and Carol

This is being reported in lots of places. I know this is a tough pill to swallow, but the AV Club doesn’t have some Woodman and Bangstein going out and getting entertainment scoops by blowing executives in studio garages like the real journos over at TMZ.

No word of this criminal mastermind?

This is why Saul is one of the greatest prequel shows.  They never go too far with fan service.

So why are you reading the article and writing comments, if you have so much important emoting to do about Ukraine?


Why oh why is the AV Club not covering this show weekly?? This is a hidden gem and definite water-cooler stuff. If it gets a second season, I hope y’all are going to hop on the bandwagon.

“The Heavy Wing” is easily one of the best songs they’ve recorded in over 20 years, it’s a stunning way to bring an album to a close.

Happy out of the Grey Day !