
Granted I wish the integration didn't require leaving the app, but is anyone else happy that google isn't in charge of public transportation on the iPhone now?

Suboptimal is about all I could respond with. It's slow, clunky, and unintuitive. But it's what I use for bike directions on iOS.

That's exactly the problem Google will see. Is that even if it is possible to utilize Airplay from an android device, it's not built in and certainly not regular-joe friendly. Just like how you had to show your brother, he didn't do it on his own.

At google's map event a few weeks ago, they stated that they are committed to bringing Maps and all of its features to iOS.

I've never understood why it's so common to project shame onto people who have tattoos. Is it that they want them, but don't think they'll be accepted, so they help perpetuate this disapproving mentality?

I weep for whatever part of the globe you live in where those are considered painted on...

At the gym? Is that code for on my phone on repeat?

I'm not trying to claim this for you. I'm trying to explain why a Bi-girl would want to only receive messages from girls.

Yeah, and dating sites tend to have just as bad of prospects.

It's because a pretty girl can pick up guys on the street all day long, they probably joined the site to meet other girls since that can be trickier in real life for them.

Your post reminds me of Texts from Dog

So Rdio then?

It comes in Black, what's the big deal?

It's that mesh part around the stomach. It's called the sweatbox, because it changes colors at a different rate than the rest of the jersey due to sweat.

Seeing as the display will be higher than 1080p itself, 2048x1536. I'm sure it'll be able to play 1080p videos.

"forgone conclusion" should be "foregone conclusion"

Thought for sure I would have seen it in the running. Beautiful UI, and innovative method for getting friends together for a movie or for going it alone.

"No, You're Stupid" the irony was impossible to ignore.

I agree that 1080p and increased audio performance are important factors. But if it's 1080p, video 7.1 audio, and a cord, than for me and a lot of people I know it would lose out to the other option 720p video, 5.1 audio, and any of my friends can beam up there video from there spot in the living room.