
Many very smart people are saying this dinner was a meeting with representatives from NAMBLA.

The real story is no longer even remotely that this deranged, colossally ignorant, mendacious, and malicious man has somehow become the nominee of a major party. The Republican Party is nothing but a racist con job and money-laundering operation anyhow, it has been running on fumes for a generation. So yeah, whatever.

As his young children cringe in fear at the thought of daddy being around the house more.

hope so. fuck him

I don’t want to know how many Americans found this on accident by Googling “Kaepernick Lynch.”

Yes! By putting Edgar Martinez in!

Hat off to you, it’s tough to do. I still watch, but not as much as I used to. I gave up buying anything NFL-related about 15 years ago, so at least there’s that much of my personal money not going to them. When I finally say enough is enough, I know it’s going to be hard. There are many enjoyable things about the spor

I cut myself off four years ago, and backslid during that first season. After that, I made sure I scheduled my Sundays with something to do. If I was out and about, I felt much less compelled to drop in on a game. As a bonus, I’m a more active (and I think interesting) person as a result. Just keep trying. Find things

I’ve got this problem. For the past two years I’ve made a half-assed promise to myself and my family that I was done with football. We cut cable, etc., and I managed to stay away until about week 10 each season before my primal stupid fucking instincts took over and I was trying to peak over the curtain to get a

Yet another example of American Football Culture and how it not only turns a blind eye, but encourages it’s inhabitants to be violent, entitled man children, who believe they are above consequences because they play a child’s game. This will continue because the apologists for this culture continue to worry more about

I don’t know how anyone can continue to support a sport that enables this kind of shit. Put that on top of the fact that the whole league’s goal is to turn massive profits for (mostly) some of the worst shit bags in this country and I just don’t get how anyone who is even half paying attention can spend 1 whole day a

First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is

This is ridiculous and insane.

You’re exactly correct. Unfortunately there’s a moronic subset of the population in this country that are so blindly loyal to the symbols of this country (not the ideals mind you, they’d never live up to those) that any challenge to one of them is a challenge to all of them. So you get a situation where a guy doesn’t

Welcome to Deadspin Jordan. Just a word to the wise, careful writing negative articles about the Seahawks. Their football illiterate fan base has a tendency to sue or start petitions in response criticism or rational negative thoughts about their defense.