I believe the reasoning why Turn 10 has brought back Fujimi Kaido is because that track is absolutely gigantic and to rework it for a current gen Forza game would take a lot of time and resources that they would rather put toward creating new tracks or bringing back multiple old tracks.
If the owners of F1s are anything to go by the answer is all of the above.
Yeah, a lot of these cars look like standard cars with custom paint jobs. On the plus side, that Fleetline could make a sweet drift car.
Because Microsoft releases five Forza games for every one Gran Turismo game Polyphony releases.
It’s a pretty typical pushrod setup, but the dampers are offset so they take up less space.
I’m getting a late 90's supercar vibe from it and I’m not entirely sure why but I’m definitely okay with this.
Porsche seriously needs to open an exhibit in their museum showcasing all of their mules and weird design concepts.
I was there back in 2012 and Group 6A (1973-1982 IMSA, GT, GTX, AAGT, GTU/GTO) was definitely the best solely because IMSA Boss 302.
Am I the only one
And the wing mirrors are off a VW Corrado (though some early ones seem to use Citroen CX mirrors).
Yeah, the F1 is exempt under the Show and Display law.
Yeah, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say Stef is probably the best driver of any of Jalopnik’s writers.
I’ve seen enough onboards to know a Dusty when I see one.
Wrigley’s gum wrapped in an old Band-Aid?