The Shitposter Formerly Known As Blondude

I was gonna ask what you would do if the paint got scraped, but I guess that answers that.

Uh guys, I think someone hacked into David’s Kinja account...


I thought it was antifreeze. Or was it used motor oil?

This doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.

What’s the best car ever? Like of all time. Only one.

This post needs more Turbo Wagon ads.

This will forever be the best jump video.

Class 6 is best class

This is amazing.



I’m inclined the cut the Stockholm Open a bit more slack considering they did actually move to a drag strip in the early 90's so they could race legally, but then in the early 2000's the government shut down the event claiming the cars weren’t “green” enough. Can’t really blame them if they tried to do it legally and

Still my favorite Liberty Walk car years later.

Oh sweet jesus

Coke nose Countach is best Countach.

As long as it isn’t one of the two manuals I’m fine with that.

If anyone is wondering what the barnfind will be pause at 0:54 to get a hint.