The Shitposter Formerly Known As Blondude

Don’t forget the dollar sign rims with whitewalls.

Not a whole lot of interesting cars in the suburbs of Chicago. Lot’s of boring whatever, a shit-ton of JK Wrangler Unlimiteds, occasionally some new Mercedes or BMW that daddy leased for them. There were a few interesting things there though, mostly cheap used sportscars that were sold a few months into ownership

Please, explain how this is plagiarism in any way, shape, or form.

“rewf” according to the internet

Also a GT3 RS 4.0 in the background during E3.

The day we get a 917 in the Forza series may finally come!

The guy in grey fell through the thin ice and is now frantically trying to climb out of the water before hypothermia sets in.

Now playing

I can only ever hear Batman saying this one.

All these years later and I still intentionally pronounce Lamborghini like this every once in a while. Also Pwwwaaaaaaaaaarshhhh.

So, how do you pronounce scuba? Laser?

It’s like one of those cheap Hot Wheels knockoffs come to life.

Something tells me those vehicles aren’t to scale.

I currently have 30 songs out of the 44 song soundtrack in my music library. To say I know the soundtrack by heart is an understatement.

This comment needs to be higher up.

Now playing

This post is useless without Frank the Tank.

That game had such a huge influence on my musical tastes. Goddamn Burnout 3 has a great soundtrack.


Well, yeah. I guess I oversimplified it.

Radio waves definitely travel at the speed of light. They’re a form of invisible light. Sure, the sound waves coming out of the speaker on the end are moving at the speed of sound, but it’s traveling at the speed of light the rest of the way.