Yeah. I can’t find a video but as an MC President you can choose what style of clothing your MC wears (just like the CEO/VIP stuff) and one of the categories is Mods.
Yeah. I can’t find a video but as an MC President you can choose what style of clothing your MC wears (just like the CEO/VIP stuff) and one of the categories is Mods.
Oppo has a crew, but I don’t think Jalopnik-proper has a crew.
Engine swap! Engine swap! Engine swap!
Read the title, thought “someone’s gonna make a Trent Reznor comment”, scrolled down and there it is, literally the first comment.
Seriously, I would rather see a buggy blasting off hills than a rally car sliding around corners.
Me gusta
You’re just now coming to this conclusion?
Never said it was stock.
*Abroham Lincoln
They definitely censor the plates. I tried several different ones to see if they were blocked. If you try to use a banned word the dude’s like “Haha, I’m Australian so I can appreciate some good cursing, but this is a family event. No.” The game that takes place in Australia doesn’t let me say cunt.
Comes out next Tuesday, this Friday if you preordered the Ultimate Edition.
That’s a fuckton of M4s.
DomesticMango is love, DomesicMango is life.
They’re not pulling the 1,000 hp figure out of their ass, they’re just selling the S7 Twin Turbo with the Competition Package as standard.