The Shitposter Formerly Known As Blondude

tumblr is 99% porn and people bitching about personal pronouns. This is part of that rare 1%.

“The only difference between an offensive joke and a good joke is whether the audience laughs”

Replying to bring this further up.

I have no idea but oh dear god they have a twitter account.

Fuel —> [Deltawing] —> Bad Luck

To add on to this, Haas just scored four times as many points as Marussia/Manor has scored in their entire existence IN THEIR FIRST RACE EVER.

Wait, what are they now?

Off road X5s aren’t even close to being unique and most use hopped up versions of the standard gasoline V8s and diesel I6s.

It’s a Puffalump you uncultured swine.

We salute Mr. Foster for his creativity and ingenuity.

I’m, like, 95% sure that black bus says “METH MADE EASY” on the side.

They may have preserved the car, but they did sand down the paint until they got to the first layer, so it’s still kinda been returned to its original condition in that sense.

Well, I’m 19 and the Cobra is my favorite car ever, so...

Didn’t it make something like half the horsepower it had the potential to make due to all the emissions equipment?

How do I pronounce additional silent Es?

I don’t think I want to see goregrind.