The Shitposter Formerly Known As Blondude

All spectators receive their very own polycarbonate canopies when the enter the grounds.

I have a hard time believing that “halo” would have saved Jules Bianchi. With the speed and force he hit that tractor I doubt a carbon fiber hoop would’ve held up.

Alternatively, shaping it to proved additional downforce but with the trade off of reduced visibility.

The issue is that tire you just saw fuck off into space has a high likelihood of landing in the stands during an actual race.

Well, that was the greatest thing ever.

I’m oddly attracted to that mismatched Gemballa 996.

Still better than anything they’ve put out since the first gen Murciélago.

Travis Okulski and Jeff Gordon

A rally car so fancy it even has a name, Jules.

It has smaller doors on either side built into the canopy.

Hence why I said useless extended swingarm. If you actually have your bike set up for drag racing it makes sense. I’m taking about the people who install one for the look and nothing else.

I guess it was technically two different bikes he rode for that review...

Sportbikes with useless extended swingarms are the stance crowd of the bike world. A Harley is the bike equivalent of a 60's and 70's American land yacht. Slow, can’t corner for shit, but great for cruising.

That’s not how that meme works.

This is the car Ferruccio would’ve wanted.

So I went and checked all of Lanesplitter’s Ride Reviews...

You seem like an unbiased, open-minded individual.