The Shitposter Formerly Known As Blondude

I need it.

Holy shit

Sounds pretty legit to me.

Is he legit?


It’s like an Evoque convertible with VW’s design language.

Depends on what you’re going for. If you want a luxury car that happens to be able to do 260 mph, get the Chiron. If you want to go slightly faster, but with not as much luxury, get the Regera.

Those landau bars though...

The dark blue one would’ve been my favorite if it had the rims from the all carbon fiber one. I’m not really digging the chrome rims.

So they put the bodykit from the SLS AMG Black Series on an AMG GT?

No gonna lie, if it weren’t for that gap up front I wouldn’t have noticed that it was a rain gutter.

I’m waiting for some eccentric rich fuck to go full-Ruxton on one.

Wow, all these colors work great.

Well it was.

Do want

I take it you think the FXX K looks ugly too then?

The concept debuted in 2003, they built the coupe from 2007 to 2009 and the roadster from 2008 to 2010.

Ooh, the 8C concept. I think I like the concept’s side vents better than the production version.

Should’ve just made the C-pillars flying buttresses.