The Shitposter Formerly Known As Blondude

See also: wrinkle wall drag slicks expanding from centrifugal force at speed to effectively create a taller gear ratio and allowing higher speeds.

ITT Jalop noobs who haven’t joined the ute circlejerk

I’m okay with this.

I know what you’re talking about, but I’m still trying to decipher that image. Something’s going over my head and I don’t like it.

MRW I see Bernie Ecclestone’s face

I’m not sure what you’re point is. The phrase “Fix It Again Tony” is in reference to Fiat Automobiles, not Alfa Romeo.

FIAT =/= Alfa Romeo

This song is better than it should be.

Yeah, the road cars are a bit disappointing. The race cars on the other hand are still awesome. The fact that the wheel arches are much bigger on the race cars seems to help with the look.


I love the Apollo so much. And fuck the Top Gear circlejerk, this car looks amazing.

Don’t hurt me!

Yes, yes it was.

What is love?

250 Testa Rossa with a custom hardtop.

The Aston Martin “DBC Concept” from a couple years back.

You monster