
Goddamn, can you imagine dealing with Goop as the ex-wife of your guy? Even cool Jennifer Lawrence can't hang.

She's there - she's the full grown gray cat!

Ugh, this is the kind of stuff that keeps me awake at night.

Oh hell, that's crazy. IMO, YOU WIN.

Seriously, he is the best actor on that show and that show is chock full of good actors.

I seriously think they should do an Eli Gold spin-off.

I only started crushing on him while watching the Good Wife. He is just lovely and you have good taste!

As the owner of a small condo, it's my dream to own a house with extra rooms that I don't even walk into for three solid months.

I think you're right. I think there are a lot of women nowadays who think that the pressure to have it all - including children - is related to feminism, which, as you pointed out, is a seriously profound misunderstanding of feminism.

I love Adam Driver if for no other reason than his ability to ejaculate on the chest of a girl and still come off as a sympathetic character. Having gotten that out of the way, does anyone else get tired of the "this guy is the real thing" trope that frequently accompanies profiles of rising movie/television stars

Jesus, the "sike" thing drives me bananas. Glad I'm not the only one.

Wow, you live in an enlightened area. Where I live, Animal Control can be called to trap cats or any other animal, if someone calls and complains about them. How I wish I lived in a place where the local animal control agency had your attitude. It's so much more humane for agencies like yours to collaborate with

I manage a TNR colony and, yes, a private corporation or a public citizen can call Animal Control to trap the cats who will then be placed in a shelter and euthanized. This kind of scenario plays out all the time but on a smaller, less publicized scale than this particular incident.

The material point is that they are killed regardless of whether that happens shortly after intake or 3-7 days after intake.

Yes, shelters will euthanize feral cats. They are low on the adoptable list and are therefore very likely to be euthanized. This is exactly the reason why this is a big deal. When owners of private or public property decide they don't want the feral cats around, the typical next step is to have them trapped by the

Not to mention some personal risk involved. If your friend is seriously talking about having his ex-wife killed and you realize that you have to do the right thing and turn him in, it will quickly dawn on you that if he isn't convicted (after you testify against him in court), there is little that might stop him from

bravo - you said exactly what I was thinking. Some of us have jobs and lives that don't allow us the luxury of reading every website with original content. It's nice that I can go to just a few sites and have the wheat separated from the chaff for me.

Someone was also posting gross pictures of dead cats (I believe on Gawker). No, that's not rape but if you're an animal lover, you don't want to look at that shit. There has to be a way to ensure that anonymous tipsters can do their thing without the rest of us having to look at images that are truly disturbing.

Yeah, when my brothers helped my dad work on our cars, there was usually a point — about 15 minutes in — when my dad would scream, "Hold the goddamned flashlight steady for Chrissakes!" And that was just the beginning.

Every time I heard La Roux's Bulletproof, I had an 80s flashback. I'm so happy to find out there's new stuff!