
If anybody was actually surprised by the spoiler please e-mail me so we can discuss bridge purchasing opportunities.

But if we’re discussing the specific problem where people are being rear-ended because the car behind is driving so close that they are unable to stop in the event that the car in front needs to make a sudden stop to prevent an accident, are we saying the driver following is driving correctly, just following the

Actually, I would suspect that the majority of these are what are referred to as ‘nuisance hits.’ I work in my DOT in safety engineering and, among many other things that I am underpaid for, we analyze crash data for the development of engineering safety countermeasures (rumble stripes, wider shoulders, high friction

even then I’ve heard stories about that being iffy. Be on the safe side and put that shit fully in a pocket

It depends on a lot of things, but yes - it’s better to just avoid it altogether unless it’s required for your job. Bizarrely, fixed blade knives are arguably legal to carry (so long as they’re within a certain length) while some folding knives can land you in jail.

What do two photographers, people sure do love that argument, have to do with it? The same person with this camera will take significantly better photos than with a smartphone. Even an RX100 in your pocket for the times this is too large will produce better photos than almost all smartphones.

I saw a city once. It’s one of those places where you have no space and only view things like the place smelling of piss as a passing inconvenience.

Do not assume what you experience in NYC applies anywhere else.

why do americans always say “be-all, end-all” backwards?

No, they aren’t. Training wheels remove any incentive to balance, and teach a steering technique that’ll wreck you once you get above a few miles an hour after the training wheels are off — They teach bad habits that you have to unlearn.

The legal liabilities that come from actually owning trucks that operate instead of hiring contractors that own, operate, and are liable for their trucks hauling other’s goods will make this a very slow transition.

Cars will kill jobs in buggy-whip factories!

So, Gizmodo.

ehh, mines like a poor mans indefinitely wild. i wreck outdoor adventure gear and travel while hacking and playing with gadgets.

“The horses run on grass and completely eliminate emissions—besides, you know, the occasional road apple.”

Yeah, she’d be like “Hey! Listen!” at everything insignificant thing

It would be amazing if you play as Alyx and just never stop talking through the entire game.

thanks for the reality check. i was thinking my opinion was the only thing that mattered and everyone should take it seriously and above all others.

Oh. Your comment was asinine.

xbox one is my most used voice control. and i swear whenever im watching media elsewhere everytime i have to use my hands to pause playback i get angry.