
I had someone tell me that Jews (specifically) should get over the Holocaust because it wasn't that many people compared to other mass slaughters. I even pointed out the other 5 million who died to him..

I would be lying if I didn't admit that I found this clip last year, ripped the audio track off of it, and I play it in my car while I'm driving on the highway.

Alright look, the parsecs thing has been explained. The Kessel Run involves multiple black holes that a ship has to maneuver through. A shorter route involves going closer to the balck holes, risking destruction. Han was bragging about the maneuverability of his craft and its ability to escape massive gravitational

Oh, alright. Me neither, tbh.

Excepting Lactose Intolerance, I have IBS and wouldn't be able to live without dairy products because of all the protein, fat, and nutrients I get from them they are one of the few food groups that don't make me bloat up like a dead horse.

I think it was either a typo or a incorrect attribution because it's a well-known scientific fact that the human digestive system for most adults does not deal well with Dairy foods or Lactose-heavy diets.

You know. Normally dairy doesn't bother me too much, but on airplanes I made a point to get normal coffee and skip the Starbucks lattes that are mostly milk because they pretty much always give me that painful bloated feeling while flying.

Right there with you. Give me some dairy and then clear the decks. It gets ugly.


I don't have "dairy issues" but I thought it was a common thing, dairy makes you bloaty/gassy?

Or anyone really.

Well.... it *has* been established that some things *are* best eaten "fresh:"

Same! I'm still on my first bag 3+ years later, with the backup in storage. It's got so much room it's incredible, and yet isn't bulky unless you fill it to the brim.

I've never met a conspiracy theorist in person.

I already requested and invite, and posted on Facebook asking if any of my friends have any invites to give away. I think 99% of my friends have no idea what I'm even talking about though.

I can't help but notice this "review" didn't actually spend much time reviewing the product. I'm still not entirely clear about what it can do, just about what it can't.

Not that I would go so far as to call it a favorite, but the first season of Human Target was pretty fun, then they hired Matt Miller for season 2, and after starting with a big "Eff you" to the fans who stuck around from season 1, immediately drove the whole damn show into the ground.

agreed. I wait for sales and can usually get them at 10 cents a diaper or less. Makes them even cheaper than Costco and pretty good quality too.

We do have a mobile app in development - its primary function is to allow you to view and manage stuff on your Sortd priority lists. Initially, it will not be deigned to be a replacement to whatever mobile email app you use, but ultimately that may be where we are headed (depending on how deeply we are able to

Hey Katja, we are planning on doing just that :) It's not possible to run Sortd as a layer on top of the Gmail app like we do on the web, but we are finding other ways to complement the mobile Gmail experience, and using labels is one of them.