
I used to care about specs until I bought moto x. Its all about user experience for me now. Whatever floats your boat. Spec whoring doesn't help anyone

I've been in the same relationship for almost 19 years now. I've seen the lows and highs; from the near break-ups to the moments when it feels like all of existence is affirming that I made the right choice.

I've got an idea...let's ditch the dollar based economy, make the acquisition of knowledge the primary motivator and explore both!

I don't think your post even requires a rebuttal, you have done a fine job of making my argument for me...

Posing as Jews? Wow! They are really committed to their role! They didn't even abandon that fiction during the holocaust (if you believe in that supposed "historical event").

No kidding when wife found my cookies she decided I needed to lose 120 lbs.

You were raised on TV? I was raised on books.

Now playing

Ignoring the bad science, I'm going to see this movie for one reason and one reason alone.

There's no real scenario in my mind you should bypass the matching contributions. After you hit the match, I would put the rest in an IRA with lower expense costs. E.g. based on your description of saving, I'd put 5% toward your 401k and 5% toward an IRA. Up to you on Roth or traditional for the IRA, but if you're

A couple things:

Don't ever pass up free money.

...yes, I've heard of it. I mention it in the post.

Not being a dick, but I think you might've went and proved the point just now.

Whoa whoa whoa, some huge misconceptions in this thread which I don't often see on Lifehacker so I feel obliged to comment since this is my field (I do economic research at the Federal Reserve).

What could possibly go wrong?

No, I don't think it's weird at all. Most of the time everyone debating politics on line, especially on Palestinian-Israeli relations, has pretty much made up their minds already - and I include myself here. Usually it ends up a big waste of everyone's time, which I try to remember, but I forget. Over and over and

Yes, it must have been truly grueling to have to fight a war on two fronts. I can't imagine how America would have come out if they were having to essentially fight two wars at once. Fuck yeah? Fuck yeah.

That I'm surrounded by naked artist's models all day and make a ton of money. Half of that is absolutely untrue.

Galaxy Quest. I didn't really want to know what happens as a sequel to the film, I just really wanted to watch that show.