
Rohrabacher uses air quotes when he says "global warming" and once demanded that a scientist "capsulize" all the reasons why he believes that climate change is a big deal in 10 seconds.

Where's Harvey Birdman when you need him?

...the saddest thing I've seen all week.

If you are not guilty of said action, then it doesn't apply to you.

Sounds like the tribe was consulted and they decided how to handle the remains.

You're forgetting about Fair Use. Infringement is not automatic.

I disagree with you. Take photography. I don't agree that a digital photographic file is in anyway different than a paper photographic print. So when a website appropriates work from a photographer from his/or her lower traffic site to a higher traffic site that is paid through advertising linked to page views and

I don't need to do any of that shit. My iPhone already decides what words it will substitute for the actual ones I want to type.

You need the latest Google Play Services update to use it.

396 moving parts is what cause it to be so expensive.

"The bridge is on the captain"

My husband donates to the office pool because it's kind of like insurance. He doesn't want to be the poor bloke still working at the office on the off-chance his coworkers all hit the jackpot.

Sweet 1960's film camera photography #nofilter

I want peace and quiet. So I think I'll jamb myself onto a jet aircraft with a couple hundred others. That should be relaxing.

I'm a recent Law school graduate myself, though not in the USA, where I understand the market for lawyers to be very saturated right now. I was unemployed for almost one entire year after graduating. At my current salary, it'll take me six and a half years to catch up (not having any debt helps). But taking into

Yeah, I had all sorts of problems with that phrase:

1/7 is not 35%

I think you're spot on. It is a much bigger deal at first. We generally all grow up "in the closet," allowing assumptions to determine we have a straight sexual orientation often even before we know. Coming out from being "in the closet" to being "out" is much bigger than future people, though there can be closets

Yeah, but unfortunately we live in a world were most of us don't have to worry that, because of some antiquated notions of culture and religion, someone might react to your off-the cuff remark about sports with the same potential there is regarding sexuality.