
I'm actually referring to the early 20th century, not thousands of years ago, but I agree with most of what you've said anyway. I think that Israel's fear here is opening themselves up to potentially more and more effective attacks if they actually move the peace process forward. If Hamas' stated goal is the complete

Also a bad analogy, because (ditching the analogues) there was no nation of Palestine on the land. There was no Palestinian government. There weren't even people who referred to themselves as Palestinians. Running people out of their homes is bad, but those people were individuals, not a "people." So while the

That isn't a good analogy either, since there was no Palestinian nation on the land in the first place. Were there people living there? Yes, but the Muslims living in Palestine at the time didn't even belong to a single ethnic group. They certainly didn't have anything resembling a government. So when the land in that

"True justice" is a pretty elusive concept, so forgive me for not having a concept of justice that lines up with yours, but I think that stopping someone who is trying to kill people before they succeed is actually a really good idea. If this really were an "ethnic cleansing," Gaza would have already been completely

Care to elaborate on that? Or do you not actually have anything worthwhile to say and you just feel the need to lash out?

No one says that Hamas rockets are killing anyone, but that also misses the point, which is that Hamas fires the rockets intending to kill civilians. For Israel to adopt a purely defensive stance, without trying to eliminate the people who have made it their mission in life to completely destroy them, would be stupid.

Weird, Israel is actively trying to kill everyone in the Gaza strip using modern military technology? Talk about inefficient!

If they have a problem with the curriculum in public schools for religious reasons, why not send their kids to private religious schools (if the problem is money, is it so hard for parents to talk to their kids about these topics after school?)?

One of my biggest fears is passing middle age with nothing to fall back on if I lose my ability to earn income through work. That's why I started investing, and I think that it is fantastic motivation.

Haha, I think I'm ok now but thanks!

My sister got into reading through a Harry Potter audio book.

What the heck happened here?

People always look at me like I'm crazy every time I pull out a knife to solve a problem. And somehow I'm the crazy one for having the needed tool.

I would think something more closely related to the "I am your father" moment would have been the natural choice for Empire Strikes Back.

You'd think that would be the end of it, but I don't think that logic and reason have historically won out over fear that often.

Ditto. Gotta love the suggestion, "you should try to sleep more." I'd love to sleep more, but I have a newborn, assignments due, finals in a week, and then bar exam prep.

It's definitely worth noting that for the first 3-4 days after giving birth women won't produce actual breastmilk. During this time their bodies produce colostrum, which is extremely nutrient dense, in very small quantities. Newborn babies don't need much (their stomach capacity is less than an ounce), and weight loss

Wow, very cool to be featured here! I actually have quite a few more images with planetary rings in my deviant art gallery.

I know, I know, but one day we will have good enough batteries to make this idea work (sort of, maybe, I'm not sure that it would be legal).